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Pageant Events and Entry Forms


This is the official pageant entry form for any pageant we host.  




Pageant you will be attending_________________________



Cash only at the door, you will get a receipt for your door payment.  NO REFUNDS!


Every pageant will offer  viewers choice voting.  It's $1 a vote.  This is a cash prize!  Viewers choice winner will receive a portion of the money taken for the votes!


Please copy and paste this entry form to


Please send deposit or full payment with 4% paypal fee to





Date of Birth:


Parents name:


Email Address:


Age Division:



____Beauty(mandatory) $50


____Optionals(hair, eyes, smile, dress)$20


____Photogenic $10


____ OOC $20


____ 2 supremes(0-8 years/9-up grand supreme and OOC Supreme highest ooc score of the day of all divisions) $50


If you pay a $50 deposit 2 weeks before pageant date, you will get a $25 discount off of above events.


We also offer a sibling/family discount, ask the director for details.


Additional supreme title: (highest score of the pageant, must enter all events to qualify)


____Ultimate Grand Supreme $50 (mini. 12in crown, 2ft trophy, custom sash and additional prizes)



____Spectator fee(s) $5 each, ages 4 and under are free(must have wrist band if in the ballroom, see rules for details)


____Late door entry fee $10 (if no deposit was made to weeks prior to pageant date)


____Photo badge(if no photographer at pageant)



____ Pageant entry total


____ Minus discounts and deposit


____Pageant entry total






Please sign above, you will also be given a copy of the rules sheet to sign at check in.







March 29, 2015 SNB Productions Presents

Lipstick and Lollipops

OOC theme is anything girly or candy themed


Registration at 2pm

Pageant Starts at 3pm

Middleburg Senior Citizens Center 




June 28, 2015 SNB Productions Presents:

A Salute To Our Troops

OOC theme is anything patriotic

 St. Augustine,Fl

11am registration

Pageant starts at noon  

Solomon Calhoun Community Center


Southern Natural Beauties Presents:

Down on the farm

OOC theme is anything farm related

September 2015 Jacksonville,Fl

SNB Productions Presents

Sneakers to Heels Beauty Bootcamp!

Dec 2015 Jacksonville,Fl


We will have dress shop owners, jewlery designers, clothing designers, pageant systems for you to explore photographers, guest speakers and much more!  This is one event you wont want to miss and will be the perfect gift for any pageant gal!

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